2,405 research outputs found

    Characterization of reflected light from the space power system

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    Sunlight reflected off large space structures is examined. To assure that this illumination does not exceed the irradiance tolerances of the eye, reflections from these satellites must be controlled by vehicle orientation and surface specifications. The components of various space power system vehicles to determine the reflectances which will significantly contribute to the ground illumination are evaluated. Calculations of reflected solar intensity from various satellite system elements requires description of the elements and of the geometry potential reflectance paths. Surface intensity and the conditions under which it will illuminate a portion of the Earth are also determined

    Irritable Bowel Syndrome

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    Fodor's frame problem and relevance theory - Response

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    Chiappe & Kukla argue that relevance theory fails to solve the frame problem as defined by Fodor. They are right. They are wrong, however, to take Fodor's frame problem too seriously. Fodor's concerns, on the other hand, even though they are wrongly framed, are worth addressing. We argue that relevance theory helps address them

    A discourse analysis of trainee teacher identity in online discussion forums

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    Teacher education involves an identity transformation for trainees from being a student to being a teacher. This discourse analysis examined the online discussion board communications of a cohort of trainee teachers to better understand the situated identities of the trainees and how they were presented online. Their discussion board posts were the primary method of communication during placement periods and, as such, provided insight into how the trainees situated their identities in terms of being a student or being a teacher. During the analysis, the community boundaries, language and culture were explored along with the tutor's power and role in the identity transformation process. This involved looking at the lexis used by the students, the use of pronouns to refer to themselves and others such as teachers and pupils, the types of messages allowed in the community and the effect of the tutor's messages on their communication. The research found that the trainees felt comfortable with teaching but did not feel like teachers during the course. Tutors and school teachers need to develop an awareness of the dual nature of trainees' identities and help promote the transition from student to teacher. In the beginning of the course, trainees should be familiarised with teacher vocabulary and practical concepts in addition to pedagogical theory. Towards the end of the course, trainee identity as teachers could be promoted through the use of authentic assessments that mirror real teacher tasks and requirements

    Epistemic Vigilance

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    Humans massively depend on communication with others, but this leaves them open to the risk of being accidentally or intentionally misinformed. To ensure that, despite this risk, communication remains advantageous, humans have, we claim, a suite of cognitive mechanisms for epistemic vigilance. Here we outline this claim and consider some of the ways in which epistemic vigilance works in mental and social life by surveying issues, research and theories in different domains of philosophy, linguistics, cognitive psychology and the social sciences

    Towards a more reliable forecast of ice supersaturation: concept of a one-moment ice-cloud scheme that avoids saturation adjustment

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    A significant share of aviation's climate impact is due to persistent contrails. Thus, avoiding the creation of contrails that exert a warming impact is a crucial step in approaching the goal of sustainable air transportation. For this purpose, a reliable forecast of when and where persistent contrails are expected to form is needed (i.e. a reliable prediction of ice supersaturation). With such a forecast at hand, it would be possible to plan aircraft routes on which the formation of persistent contrails can be avoided. One problem on the way to these forecasts is the current systematic underestimation of the frequency and degree of ice supersaturation at cruise altitudes in numerical weather prediction due to the practice of “saturation adjustment”. In this common parameterisation, the air inside cirrus clouds is assumed to be exactly at ice saturation, while measurement studies have found cirrus clouds to be quite often out of equilibrium. In this study, we propose a new ice-cloud scheme that overcomes saturation adjustment by explicitly modelling the decay of the in-cloud humidity after nucleation, thereby allowing for both in-cloud super- and subsaturation. To achieve this, we introduce the in-cloud humidity as a new prognostic variable and derive the humidity distribution in newly generated cloud parts from a stochastic box model that divides a model grid box into a large number of air parcels and treats them individually. The new scheme is then tested against a parameterisation that uses saturation adjustment, where the stochastic box model serves as a benchmark. It is shown that saturation adjustment underestimates humidity, both shortly after nucleation, when the actual cloud is still highly supersaturated, and also in aged cirrus if the temperature keeps decreasing, as the actual cloud remains in a slightly supersaturated state in this case. The new parameterisation, on the other hand, closely follows the behaviour of the stochastic box model in any considered case. The improvement in comparison with saturation adjustment is largest if slow updraughts occur in relatively clean air in models with a high spatial and temporal resolution. We conclude that our parameterisation is promising but needs further testing in more realistic frameworks.</p

    Relevance theory, pragmatic inference and cognitive architecture

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    Relevance Theory (RT: Sperber & Wilson, 1986) argues that human language comprehension processes tend to maximize “relevance”, and postulates that there is a relevance-based procedure that a hearer follows when trying to understand an utterance. Despite being highly influential, RT has been criticized for its failure to explain how speaker-related information, either the speaker’s abilities or her/his preferences, is incorporated into the hearer’s inferential, pragmatic process. An alternative proposal is that speaker-related information gains prominence due to representation of the speaker within higher-level goal-directed schemata. Yet the goal-based account is still unable to explain clearly how cross-domain information, for example linguistic meaning and speaker-related knowledge, is integrated within a modular system. On the basis of RT’s cognitive requirements, together with contemporary cognitive theory, we argue that this integration is realized by utilizing working memory and that there exist conversational constraints with which the constructed utterance interpretation should be consistent. We illustrate our arguments with a computational implementation of the proposed processes within a general cognitive architecture

    From Marx to Gramsci to us: Laboratory to prison, and back

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    Marx and Gramsci remain two of the most constant presences and inspirations for those on the left. Yet there is a persistent sense that we have still to get them right. Perhaps this indicates that sources like this are now fully classics, to be returned, and returned to. In the case of Marx and Gramsci, a series of major works published in the Brill Historical Materialism series breaks new ground as well as returning to older controversies, both resolved and unresolved. Apart from remaining arguments concerning the status of materials unpublished in their own lifetimes, the major tension that emerges here is that between the task of immanent, contextual philology and the challenge of reading ‘Marx for today’ or ‘Gramsci for today’. The tension between text and context, and the question of what travels, conceptually persists